Primo Tabs 25mg (50 pills) for Sale in UK


manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
substance: Methenolone acetate (Primobolan)
package: 25mg (50 pills)

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Primobolan (Primo Tabs) is a very mild drug and has the best effect during the cutting period. This drug is used by both women and men in order to improve the look of their body and help them to get ready for competitions. Primobolan comes in both in tablet and injectable form. Oral Primo Tabs consist of Methenolone Acetate.

Effects and benefits:

The anabolic and androgenic properties of the drug are fairly weak, for this reason, it has a mild effect on the body. This mild action makes it possible for use by female athletes. Primobolan has a strong anti-catabolic effect on the body and the best thing about this drug is that it does not aromatize.

During a solo cycle of Primobolan, it is virtually impossible to gain muscle mass. The best effect is seen while in the cutting period or when the athlete’s goal is to gain high-quality mass. When using Primobolan Tablets during cutting, you can protect your muscle mass against catabolism. The effect helps you to stay clear of such side effects as gynecomastia and high puffiness due to water retention in the body.

Recommended dosage and duration of use:

The oral form of Primobolan stays active for about 5 hours and the drug can be picked up in doping tests for 6 weeks after its discontinuation.

We recommend that men taken 50 – 100mg daily for beginners.

Athletes with experience will take between 100 – 200mg per day.

A few days after the cycle has come to an end, PCT should begin.

We recommend taking the drug for no longer than 2 months because the chance of developing side effects increases, and effect of the drug starts to decline.


Primobolan + Testosterone, Primobolan + Methandienone, Primobolan + Nandrolone are all good combinations.

Combining Primobolan Tabs together with these anabolics makes it possible for you to gain quality mass.

For cutting cycles, Primobolan + Winstrol is perfect at half the usual dosages when used together.

Buying Primobolan online in the UK: offers authentic Primobolan 25mg pills by Alpha Pharma for sale online with trackable Royal Mail delivery across the United Kingdom. We make it simple and safe to buy steroids in the UK with convenient credit card, MoneyGram, and Bitcoin payments.

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