Halotestin 100 tabs (10 mg/tab) for Sale in UK


manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
substance: Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)
package: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

Out of stock


Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) is a very strong and powerful oral steroid that demonstrates very strong androgenic characteristics.

The drug has been given for disorders in males, such as those linked to delayed puberty and signs of low or absent endogenous testosterone.

Women with recurring androgen responsive mammary cancer have been treated with fluoxymesterone. For bodybuilders and powerful athletes, fluoxymesterone, often known as Halotestin, has a number of distinct advantages over other drugs.

These, however, could have some very negative side effects. The reason why Halotestin is so sought-after by some people but so badly tolerated by others is because it is such a potent androgen.

Effect and benefits:

  • Increased motivation and aggression during workouts.
  • Reduces excess fluid in the tissues.
  • Increased burning of subcutaneous fat.
  • Increased strength, speed, and endurance.
  • Improves the tone of the body.

These are just a few of the numerous great advantages that Halotestin can provide a user. Due of the anabolic agent’s potency, Halotestin can be used by beginners with caution but is typically only recommended for experienced steroid users.

Halotestin has grown to be one of the most popular oral steroids due to its 1,900 anabolic rating, which is 19 times greater than that of Testosterone.

Recommended dosage and duration of use:

As previously indicated, it is not advised for female users or those new to the use of sports pharmacology to take Halotestin.

The typical daily dose for men is 10–20 mg, which is divided into two portions. The cycle’s length should remain between 4 and 6 weeks.

Following the cycle, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) and Clomid should be used for PCT (post-cycle therapy).

For a period of six weeks, professionals can mix Halotestin (20 mg/day) with testosterone and Deca. Testosterone Enanthate should be taken at a dosage of 250–500 mg per week, and Nandrolone Decanoate at a dosage of 300–600 mg per week.

Take 50 mg of Oxandrolone every day for two weeks after the anabolic cycle is completed so that the longer esters can leave your system before beginning the post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Buying Halotestin online in the UK:

BodyBuildingHere.net offers authentic Fluoxymesterone 10mg pills by Dragon Pharma for sale online with trackable Royal Mail delivery across the United Kingdom. We make it simple and safe to buy steroids in the UK with convenient credit card, MoneyGram, and Bitcoin payments.

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