Magnum D Bol 10 10mg (100 pills) for Sale in UK


manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
substance: Methandienone oral (Dianabol)
package: 10mg (100 pills)

SKU: 12065 Category: Tag:


Magnum D Bol 10 contains the active substance, Methandienone (Dianabol). You are able to take this drug to increase your muscle mass, treat abrasions, scratches, deep cuts, and even burns that are taking a long time to heal without special medical treatment.

Effects and benefits:

Dianabol is a part of the 17-alpha alkyd group so it has a strong anabolic and androgenic effect, which provides a large and rapid increase in the user’s muscle mass as well as strength.

Methandienone provides the following effect:

  • Increases protein synthesis in tissues.
  • Improves the ratio of calcium.
  • Phosphorus and potassium ions.
  • Increases protein stability.
  • Keeps a high positive nitrogen balance in the body.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Improves the overall condition of a person.

Methane is a great drug to use in order to increase your muscle size. The drug is fast, reliable, and efficient to use. The drug remains active in the body for the 1st 3 weeks, helping the user to gain a total of 8 – 12kg, and increase their power by more than 20%, after this period, the effect of methane has a noticeable decrease. A percentage of the mass you have gained will consist of water due to the fact that Dianabol retains fluid in the body.

Once the cycle has come to an end, you should be expecting a rollback of around 30% (you may lose 3kg and possibly more from the 12kg that you have gained).

Methandienone does aromatize and some of it is converted into oestrogen. This increases muscle hypertrophy and strength, but it also causes side effects if aromatization is too high and the dosage is abused.

Recommended dosage and duration of use:

We recommend using a dosage of about 25 – 40mg.

Using dosages of 100mg – 150mg per day is considered extreme and is not recommended for amateurs or even the experienced. Abuse of the drug will increase the risk of side effects.

The ideal dosage is calculated on the individual characteristics of the athlete and the daily dosage should be split into 2 equal doses. We recommend using the drug for 4 – 6 weeks. After the 6th week of use, the receptors stop responding to Methandienone, the body starts to build up a tolerance to the drug and its continued reception becomes pointless.

If you decide to use Dianabol on a solo cycle, the cycle can be repeated after 5 – 6 weeks of rest.

Buying Dianabol online in the UK: offers authentic Dianabol 10mg pills by Magnum Pharmaceuticals for sale online with trackable Royal Mail delivery across the United Kingdom. We make it simple and safe to buy steroids in the UK with convenient credit card, MoneyGram, and Bitcoin payments.

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