Primobolan 100 10ml vial (100mg/ml) for Sale in the UK


manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)


Many athletes are familiar with the Dragon Pharma drug Primobolan 100, which has androgenic and anabolic properties. Methenolone Enanthate, Primobolan’s injectable version, is the primary active ingredient.

The drug is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, as indicated by its chemical structure. The active ingredients of Methenolone Enanthate enter the body and build up in the fat layer before eventually entering the bloodstream.

Effects and benefits:

Experienced sportsmen choose the steroid’s injectable form. Injections, in their perspective, are more efficient and have somewhat less detrimental health impacts. Athletes take the drug because of its wide range of advantageous benefits and because it makes it possible to:

  • Accelerate muscle growth.
  • Increases in strength indicators.
  • Eliminate fatty deposits.
  • Increasing the definition and tracing of muscles, as well as their quality.

In essence, this drug has become widely used in cycles intended to raise the quality of muscles. At the same time, the rollback effect is barely noticeable once the intake has ended.

Recommended dosage and duration of use:

In general, sportsmen use this steroid when it’s important to enhance the quality of the muscles and give it tracing and vascularity.

Before taking the drug, many experts advise getting the full range of required tests and visiting a doctor. This will allow you to keep the key physiological markers under control.

The drug cannot be taken alone for longer than 8 weeks, and no more than 400mg should be taken per week. Three weeks following the last injection, PCT must be carried out.

Other steroids may be taken with Primobolan. For instance, you can combine the drug with Nandrolone, Methandrostenolone, different testosterones, Sustanon, and Oxymetholone to increase muscle mass. When used properly, a combined cycle enables you to get fantastic results with few adverse effects.

More than two steroid drugs should not be taken together, according to experts. It is advised to use half the dosages for the combination cycle for increased efficacy. A combined steroid cycle is strongly not recommended for women.

Buying Primobolan Depot online in the UK: offers authentic Primobolan Depot 100mg/ml vials by Dragon Pharma for sale online with trackable Royal Mail delivery across the United Kingdom. We make it simple and safe to buy steroids in the UK with convenient credit card, MoneyGram, and Bitcoin payments.

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