Oral Tren 100 tabs (250 mcg/tab) for Sale in UK


manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
substance: Methyltrienolone (Methyl trenbolone)
package: 100 tabs (250 mcg/tab)

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Bodybuilders frequently use Dragon Pharma’s Oral Tren 250mcg oral anabolic steroid pills, which contain the active ingredient Methyltrienolone or Metribolone, in their steroid cycles.


Users can anticipate a gain in solid muscle mass and significantly increased strength with these steroid pills, which are primarily used in cutting cycles to promote fat loss as well as a defined physique.


Methyltrienolone is a Nandrolone derivative. The only two differences are the addition of a methyl group at position 17alpha, which protects the medication when taken orally, and the addition of a double bond between carbons 9 and 10, which lessens binding and slows down the substance’s metabolism. A very potent steroid is produced as a result, one that has a lengthy half-life and little capacity for binding to blood proteins.


Effects and benefits:

Oral Tren Effects:


  • Methyltrienolone increases strength like any other steroid
  • You can gain more than 10 kg, which is a significant weight gain
  • Subcutaneous fat decreases
  • Indicators of IGF increase
  • The synthesis of cortisol is lowered
  • The rate of recovery after exercise is accelerated.


Recommended dosage:

Only 250-500mg/day (2 tablets) of the drug is required to produce a definite anabolic effect.


According to studies, taking oral androgenic anabolic steroids with food reduces the drug’s bioavailability. Because androgenic anabolic steroids are fat-soluble, some of the drug may dissolve in fat from food, reducing absorption of the androgenic anabolic steroids in the gastrointestinal tract. This medication should be taken on an empty stomach for the best results.

The drug’s toxicity must be taken seriously by those who are truly interested in using it. To make sure the medication is not harming the liver, routine blood tests are required.


Recommended duration of use:

3 to 4 weeks is the maximum recommended duration of use for each cycle.


A cycle of Methyltrenbolone and Testosterone Enanthate, along with the addition of Dianabol, can be used for the best results if you have stopped making progress while using an oral Tren cycle and are unable to even maintain it. Oral Tren combined with Oxandrolone or Winstrol will have the desired effect if your goal is to increase your quality muscle mass. Always keep in mind that the dosage is lower when used in combination with other drugs than when used alone.


Buying Oral Tren online in the UK:

BodyBuildingHere.net offers authentic Dragon Pharma Oral Tren 250mcg oral steroid pills for sale online with trackable Royal Mail delivery across the United Kingdom. We make it simple and safe to buy steroids in the UK with convenient credit card, MoneyGram, and Bitcoin payments.

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