Testorapid (ampoules) 10 ampoules (100mg/ml) for Sale in UK


manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
substance: Testosterone propionate
package: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)


TestoRapid (Testosterone Propionate) from the company Alpha Pharma is used for drying out gained muscle mass. In order to make your muscles look defined and attractive, you frequently need to get rid of the water they hold.

Propionate has a swift action, setting it apart from other testosterone esters. It is undetectable in doping tests after just one month. It is frequently used to get ready for competitions or sporting events due to its mild negative effects.

Effects and benefits:

Testosterone Propionate is offered as an injectable that is administered every other day. These are the effects that the drug has on the body:

  • Breaking down the genetic barrier and promoting muscular development.
  • Increasing the body’s level of growth hormone.
  • Allows for muscles to recover faster even after heavy workouts.
  • Muscles become more pronounced and defined.
  • Provides a fat-burning effect.
  • Boosts the libido and sexual activity.
  • Reduces the likelihood of heart disease.

Low risk of a rebound is a feature of Alpha Pharma’s Testosterone Propionate. After finishing a cycle of the drug, the results are retained. Exercise must be combined with a strict diet plan and post-cycle therapy to maximise the effects of the workouts. The initial cycle should also include consistent workouts.

Recommended dosage and duration of use:

Depending on the athlete’s training load, physical state and goals, the pharmacological dosage is specifically adjusted. The recommended starting dosage is 50mg once every two days. Athletes with experience can increase the dose taken up to 100mg but only when precautions are taken.

It is critical to monitor physiological indicators, conduct routine testing, and keep an eye on the hormonal balance while taking the drug.

If the cycle lasts 1.5 months or longer, you should immediately take gonadotropin drugs from the second week at a dose of 500IU each week.

You need to include more AAS in the cycle to lessen the chance of negative effects. Trenbolone, Masteron, or Stanozolol are all options. They will increase body tolerance levels and reduce the negative effects.

A solo cycle is only intended to maintain muscle mass and improve strength and endurance capabilities. The drug won’t result in significant muscle growth on its own.

It is necessary to run PCT after a Propionate cycle is completed. For this, aromatase inhibitors like Clomid and Nolvadex are administered.

Buying Testosterone Propionate online in the UK:

BodyBuildingHere.net offers authentic Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml ampoules by Alpha Pharma for sale online with trackable Royal Mail delivery across the United Kingdom. We make it simple and safe to buy steroids in the UK with convenient credit card, MoneyGram, and Bitcoin payments.

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